Join the EEA as a Corporate Member

For more information about Corporate membership including Corporate member types and benefits, please click here.

To apply to be an EEA member, complete the form below and click the 'send' button.

Company Details - Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership Type and Category

Select from the list below which level of Corporate membership is being applied for

**As part of the Corporate Membership package you have selected there are ‘complimentary’ Individual Memberships included, please advise the EEA by emailing who the nominated members of staff will be. Those you nominate will need to complete an Individual Membership Application, which is available via this website.

Contact Details

Details of the main Contact person for correspondence regarding EEA Corporate Membership

Details of the Contact person for notifications and invoicing purposes regarding EEA Corporate Membership

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

We have read and accept the EEA's membership terms and conditions, and consent to membership.

Yes *


1. EEA Individual Membership is non refundable, non transferable, and personal to the member.
2. Complimentary memberships issued as part of a Corporate Membership package may be transferred to other staff members, subject to the approval of their membership application. Each replacement must comply with the requirements of the EEA membership application process.
3. Personal information on EEA members is held securely and will not be disclosed to any third party unless authorised by the member. Members have the right to view and correct the information held.
4. The EEA fully supports the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007. If you do not wish to receive email notifications from the EEA, please reply by return email with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line and your email address will subsequently be removed from our database.
5. Adhere to the EEA Code of Conduct - link to the Code

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