SSPG WORK PROGRAMME: 1st april 2021 to 31st march 2022

The SSPG proactively supports the delivery of the goals and outcomes in the ESI H&S Strategy.


Relationship Management

SSPG will routinely engage with StayLive, EDI H&S forum, WorkSafe New Zealand, MBIE, and other key stakeholders in relation to key issues and work. The purpose of these relationships will be to maintain visibility, consult, collaborate, coordinate and cooperate on our respective work programmes.

StayLive: Participate in StayLive's regular meetings (bi-monthly), update and involve them in key EEA work, and contribute to their work where it is in the EEA's interests and we have available resources. This includes a direct relationship with the Work Control Procedures Group for the purpose of updating and maintaining documents relating to the SM-EI.

EDI Health and Safety Forum (EDI): Participate in EDI's regular meetings (quarterly), update and involve them in key EEA work, and contribute to their work where it is in the EEA's interests and we have available resources.

Electricity Networks Association (ENA): Consult, cooperate and coordinate with ENA in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE): Establish ongoing relationship with Health and Safety Policy team to improve EEA's ability to influence policy making. This is important with upcoming regulatory reviews that are likely to touch on if not directly involve safety regulations for the electricity industry.

WorkSafe New Zealand: Regular meetings with key managers, including from the following business units: Regulatory Frameworks (sets policy for Energy Safety), Technical Programmes and Support (hosts technical expertise), Energy Safety (operationalises WorkSafe policy), and Regulatory Practice (who support and oversee the regulatory practices of inspectors).

New Zealand Transport Agency: Establish ongoing relationship with NZTA in relation to health and safety of workers working in the road corridor. This will include participation in the Road Workers Safety Improvement Programme on behalf of industry.

EEA Internal (other subcommittees): NCLW, AMG, PSWG on an as-required basis in relation to work undertaken that is of mutual interest.

Arboriculture New Zealand: Engage and coordinate on the production of joint guidance and guidance relevant to utility arborists

ESI Health and Safety Statistics

Each year the EEA collects data from our members for making industry comparisons about health and safety performance. The data collection process begins in August and is usually able to be analysed and published by November. The report and benchmarks support CEOs and boards of participating members to see how their organisation is performing against the rest of the industry.

Health and Safety Strategy

SSPG will produce a review report of our performance against the strategy for publication in 2021. Concurrently, we will develop a new strategy for 2020-2023. The new strategy will emphasise:

→ The need to focus on the ESI critical risks
→ The importance of sustaining capability
The importance of health

Knowledge Network Programme

This programme builds on the success of the SM-EI project, reinvesting a portion of its initial revenue. It includes several new interdependent projects that will develop the Knowledge Network further, broaden its user base, and provide new content and services:

Digitization Project - involves the transformation of existing Health and Safety publications into digital publications within the Knowledge Network.

Shared-Learning Project - involves transformation of the current safety alert system into a broader system that focusses on shared learning.

Learning Support Project - involves development of training and certification standards, initially for SM-EI (later for the Line Mechanics Handbook Project).

SM-EI Implementation Project - this project involves promotion and enhancement of the SM-EI, and engagement with industry to support their implementation efforts, and quality assurance of existing content. This includes improving content throughout the year in response to queries and suggestions.

Line Mechanics Handbook Project- this is a substantial review of a key EEA guide. Following review the guide will be digitized and learning support will be developed. Because of its status, this review warrants a project to ensure enhanced confidence in the brand 'Line Mechanics Handbook'.

Together, these projects aim to increase confidence and uptake of the new Knowledge Network.

Underground Services (WorkSafe lead initiative)

SSPG will support a new WorkSafe initiative focussed on preventing accidents involving underground services. EEA will engage with members to ensure that we represent their best interests when participating in workshops or in our submissions to WorkSafe on the subject. Note: Carried over to 2021 due to WorkSafe's deferral of the project.

EWRB Review Process

SSPG will actively support the EWRB review process. EEA will engage with members to ensure that we represent their best interests when participating in workshops or in our submissions to WorkSafe on the subject. Carried over from 2020 due to EWRB delaying the review


The publication development process will generally follow the below steps. In general, the end-to-end process spans about 6 months. Individual development processes can be staggered and run in parallel to enable 3-6 publications to be produced each year depending on their complexity and other technical and logistical factors.

This year the SSPG aims to produce the following publications, in order of priority.

Digitisation Project (part of the Knowledge Network programme). The following guides will be digitized:

→ LV Works Management
→ Safe Work with Cables
→ Use, Inspection and Testing of Low Voltage Portable Equipment
→ Livening of Service Connections
→ Work on De-energized Lines Guide
→ Reclose Guide

Line Mechanics Handbook project (in conjunction with NCLW)

This Line Mechanics Handbook will be reviewed, restructured, and digitized separately from the digitization project as it needs a substantial review. It is likely to turned in several digital publications that are packaged as a 'digital handbook'. Additionally, due to the immense value of this resource the programme plans to develop learning support materials once it has been digitized.


Maintaining our stock of publications is a growing challenge as we publish more guides. To ensure that publications are kept up-to-date, we need to ensure that reviews are focussed and efficient. The expectation should be that where a publication remains fit-for-purpose, it will not be significantly changed. SSPG meetings will have a standing agenda item to review guides that were published more than 5 years ago.

This year, SSPG will review the following publications to establish whether they need to be updated. Where updates are minor then they will be carried out in the same business year. Unless otherwise stated, more substantial updates will be programmed for next year:

→ Use, Inspection and Testing of Low Voltage Portable Equipment (Guide)
→ Safe work with Cables (dependent on Line Mechanics Handbook review)
→ Safe Practices for Low Voltage Electrical Work (2012) (parked - awaiting resource)


→ SM-EI interpretations and queries
→ Regional and topic specific workshops
→ H&S Workshop / Webinar series: October 2021
→ Shared Learning System (including annual review report)
→ Emerging technologies - standing SSPG agenda item
→ Develop work programme for 2022-23


  • Graeme Johnson (Chair), Omexon
  • Brian Ultee, Contact Energy
  • Graeme Johnson, Aurora Energy
  • Danny Kooyman, Transpower
  • Dean Stevenson, Powerco
  • Peter Carr, Northpower
  • Simon Parker, WEL Networks
  • Steve Herbst, Meridian Energy
  • Gerry Versteeg, Genesis Energy
  • Graeme Jackson, Downer
  • Earl Hasse, Connetics
  • Peter Berry, EEA

SSPG advisor and projects manager is Hayley HeadEEA Principal Advisor Health and Safety

The SSPG welcomes feedback from industry and other stakeholders and should be sent to
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